Key Terms

Genre Genre is a French word for 'sort' or 'kind'. Genre characterizes a cateogry of music by similarities in form and style. Genres are formed by conventions that change over time as new genres are invented and the use of old ones are discontinued. There are many different genres such as: Indie, Rock, Pop & Chart, Reggae, Dubstep, Rap, RnB, ect.
Institution Institution is the business side of the media
Independent Independent is someone/something free from outside control; not depending on another's authority
Mainstream Mainstream is what's considered normal
Multi-Platform Multi-platform where a brand exploits the different delivery systems for the media, including print, broadcasting and e-media
Cross-Promotion Cross-Promotion is a form of marketing promotion where customers of one product or service are targeted with promotion of a related product
Niche Market Niche market is a smaller group within a broad media audience e.g music fans 
Diversity Diversity is a variety 

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