
The Black Keys album review- El Camino
Album Review: The Black Keys - 'El Camino'
This is a link to the review of The Black Keys album called El Camino.
This review of the album is written by Sam Richards, which I found on the NME website under the 'reviews' section. In this review the album which was released in 2011, was rated a 7/10. In this article the author has described the band as 'The Black Keys have undoubtedly become something of a big deal.' 

Mumford & Sons album review- Babel

Here is a link the the music magazine NME, which is a link to Mumford & Sons album Babel. The reviewer Kevin EG Perry has given this album 6/10 and as quoted 'No surprises, just more singalong anthems for fairweather festival-goers' Adding that it is a tooled, streamlined version of their prior album 'Sigh No More'. 
  My own personal opinion on this album is generally positive, I somewhat agree that the album is similar in many aspects to 'Sign No More'. But as a person interested in this genre of music and a fan of Mumford & Sons, I'd give this album an 8/10.

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